
Reveal the beauty and vitality of your e-commerce site with EdgeSpeed

Take a closer look at the specific digital challenges faced by players in the beauty and health sector, and discover how our EdgeSpeed solution can help you meet them head on. In the beauty, cosmetics, and health industry, the website user experience is of paramount importance. Consumers are looking for detailed information, captivating visuals, and fluid navigation so they can discover and choose the products that meet their wellness needs.

To ensure a fluid and immersive user experience, EdgeSpeed improves your loading times, helping your website load quickly, even with a large number of visuals. Your visitors will be able to explore your products, read detailed descriptions, and place orders seamlessly, creating an unforgettable shopping experience for their health and beauty products.

Whether you’re a make-up, skincare, haircare, or healthcare brand, we have the tools and expertise to help you improve your website’s performance, increase your visibility, and boost your sales. Don’t let slowness hold you back in your quest for beauty and wellness. Make your beauty, cosmetics, and health website shine like never before!

Enhance the performance of your wellness website!


Optimised loading times

Boosted conversion rates

Unrivalled mobile performance

A fluid, immersive user experience



easy para



A few webperf figures


of leading health websites have a poor PageSpeed Insights score
of leading health websites do not meet Google’s requirements (fewer than 3 Core Web Vitals in the green)

Core Web Vitals

Average FID
37 ms

Average LCP
2,529 s

Average CLS


of leading beauty websites have a poor PageSpeed Insights score
of leading beauty websites do not meet Google’s requirements (fewer than 3 Core Web Vitals in the green)

Core Web Vitals

Average FID
35 ms

Average LCP
2,751 s

Average CLS

Give your online presence a makeover to maximise conversions


With EdgeSpeed, your website’s pages load faster, providing an immersive and enjoyable user experience. Attractive visuals and detailed descriptions are highlighted, enabling consumers to better explore your products and make informed purchasing decisions. Don’t give the competition a chance: offer a seamless customer journey from the first click to final conversion.


EdgeSpeed optimises performance on mobile devices. Your website automatically adapts to different screen sizes and offers an optimum user experience on smartphones and tablets. This helps you effectively target consumers who use their smartphones to search for and purchase cosmetics and health products or subscribe to services.


Speed is an essential asset if you want to stand out from the crowd. By optimising your website’s loading speed, you can improve your search engine rankings and visibility. By offering a fast, fluid user experience, you’ll attract consumers’ attention and increase your chances of being discovered. Make yourself visible to your prospective customers to increase awareness and maximise the chances of conversions.


Beauty, cosmetics, and health brands need to ensure that their websites are fast, responsive, and optimised for smooth browsing. EdgeSpeed optimises performance, reducing page load times and improving your site’s responsiveness. This ensures smooth, seamless navigation, reducing visitor frustration and bounce rates, and thereby improving engagement and maximising conversions.

What they say...

With Fasterize automatically optimizing our frontend, our IT teams were able to focus 100% on our replatforming project, with the guarantee that all pages are optimized for all our users, whatever their equipment and network.

Isabelle Sarrazin

DG - Easypara

We've become totally autonomous on the performance of our site, which allows us to relieve the IT department, who can work on development and innovation issues, rather than on the maintenance of optimizations on our front-end.

Aymeric Denoyelle

Head of Acquisition - Santevet

We knew that Google's algorithm would evolve to give greater importance to speed and UX. This was obviously a priority for us. But we also knew that we didn't have sufficiently advanced webperf expertise to identify the right optimization levers, and implement them at the same time as our replatforming. Yet there was an urgent need to address the whole issue. Fasterize enabled us to move smoothly and efficiently on all fronts.

Isabelle Sarrazin

DG - Easypara

Innovate with EdgeSpeed: discover the milliseconds you can save on your cosmetics/healthcare website.

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